Monday, 16 August 2010

Workshops on MV Logos Hope in Monrovia, Liberia

MV Logos Hope in Monrovia, Liberia
When I arrived in Liberia last Monday, August 9, I was happy to see the rebuilding of structures and the resurfacing of roads. This country was in civil war for 14 years before peace was achieved. Remnants of war are slowing fading away via the physical building process, but the reminders are everywhere. A whole generation of youth was lost or maimed in the battles that raged.

But now faith in God is expressed in so many different ways here. It is even possible to go into elementary schools and share with the school children. The children are brought to the ship in buses. Men and women line up to get on board and visit the book fair. The gospel is presented to those who want to hear. Even Madame President came!

Timothy Olonade and I held a workshop on board the GBA ship Logos Hope on Thursday and Friday, August 12-13. Because this was the 1st Outline Bible Resources Workshop on the ship, we kept the attendance at 50. Our Liberian ground team contributed heavily to the success of this workshop; Harry Gorwor, John Blair and Alfred Zekeh. They spent many hours traveling, inviting  and enlisting people. Many wanted to be placed on the list, but we wanted to keep it to 50 for the 1st time on the ship. 
John, Harry, Alfred, John

Our goal was to get key pastors and church leaders to participate. Timothy asked them to write down sermon titles they had used in the last 4 months. Bishop George Harris, who brought 7 of his "best" pastors with him, admitted that at first he was not too sure if he enjoyed doing that. But that it did help him see the value in preaching systematically using the Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible.

After two days of intensive training, with some fun thrown in, all who came gave glowing reports of how valuable they felt this training and the volumes they received would aid them in their ministries.

John Burkett and Timothy Olonade
Sunday morning we heard OM's Randy Grebe speak in an on board service. That afternoon we joined a program put on by ship's company for over 100 U.N. troops who had come on board for a visit and tour. They were from Pakistan, Ghana, Nigeria, the Philippines, Ukraine and several other countries.

It's been a good week. Timothy and I are looking forward to our next workshop and the wonderful pastors and church leaders we will meet. They'll leave, like so many others, with OBR that will help them put more content in their sermons with a strong Scriptural foundation and those books become some of their most prized possessions.

Friday, 6 August 2010

LMW Partners with OM Ships

Selling their wares on the beach near Monrovia
While Scott Klooster, Leadership Ministries Worldwide (LMW) missionary, is in Bolivia conducting Outline Bible Resources' (OBR) Workshops, Timothy Olonade, LMW missionary, and John Burkett, LMW Executive Director, are meeting in Liberia on August 10th and will be there until August 20th.

The workshops in Liberia will be aboard OM Ships' Logos Hope. This will the 1st OBR workshops to be held on a ship. The partnership with OM Ships was formed earlier this year while the ship was in Jamaica.

Workshop Participants lift their books in Tubmanburg
Key pastors and church leaders have been invited to come aboard and train using the Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible (POSB). Our goal is that those attending will leave with a better understanding of how to get the most out of the POSB and add content to their preaching and teaching. We are able to leave them each with at least one volume of the POSB and a copy of What the Bible Says to the Minister.

Downtown Monrovia, Liberia
Since Liberia is an English speaking country, we will be able to go more in depth in a shorter period of time. Each workshop will be held for 2 1/2 days aboard Logos Hope.

Once there, we will be updating the blog every few days. Look for the pictures and blog! Thank you for supporting LMW with your prayers and gifts.